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翻译知识:翻译公司教你用英语说清明节 添加时间:2017/3/29 10:22:35




Tomb-Sweeping Day

 Ching Ming Festival

 Pure Brightness Festival


Origin of Tomb-sweeping Day



 Ching Ming Festival is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honor and to pay respect to

one's deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Ching Ming Festival is a major Chinese festival.

Literally meaning "clear" (Ching) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 108th day after the winter solstice.

It is a "spring" festival, and an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears.

Sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect

groups a whole month is allocated.


Ching Ming Festival/Grave-Sweeping Day 清明节

  Cold Food Festival 寒食节

  day of sacrifice 祭祀节日

  offer sacrifices to ancestors 祭祖/上供

  online tomb-sweeping 网上祭扫

  Internet memorial 网络纪念馆

  condolence 哀悼之情

  hell note/joss paper 纸钱

  funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品

  funeral services 殡葬服务业

  mortician 殡仪业者

  burn incense 焚香

  tomb-sweeping 扫墓

  tomb sweeper 扫墓的人

  kite flying 放风筝

  spring outing 踏青

  god's lantern 神灯

  memorial tablet 纪念碑

  willow branches inserted on each gate 门旁插柳

  online funeral 网上葬礼

  online tribute 网上悼念

  cremation urn 骨灰盒

  mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式

  inhumation 土葬

  cremation 火葬

  sea-burial 海葬

  boat-coffin burial 船棺葬

  tree burial 树葬

  celestial burial 天葬

  flower burials 花葬

  national mourning 全国哀悼

  national mourning day 全国哀悼日

  filial piety 孝顺 孝心

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