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行业资讯:英语翻译的常见技巧 添加时间:2021/5/10 8:44:17


  English translation is a work that needs to understand the cultures and customs of different countries. Mastering some small skills can better complete the work. Next, WorldUnion translation company will show you the common skills of English translation?


  1、 Added subject


  Due to different expression habits, the subject is often omitted in English, so we should translate them into Chinese. In general, there are the following situations:


  Abstract nouns are used as subjects, while Chinese expressions need to turn abstract into concrete; In English, prepositions are often used to avoid repetition. In Chinese, prepositions are not afraid of repetition. A word can be used several times; When plural nouns in English are translated into Chinese, these, various and so on are often added, which depends on the specific context.


  2、 Adding predicate


  In the same way, the need to add predicates also occurs from time to time. When two or more of the same predicates appear in English, they are often omitted to make the sentence less redundant, while in Chinese, they need to be translated to make the expression more authentic. When English prepositional phrases are translated into Chinese, verbs are often added, while some English nouns are translated into Chinese with corresponding verbs to make their meaning more complete and express more clearly.


  3、 Translation of time adverbials


  1. The adverbial of time can be translated directly, usually before the main sentence.


  2. Some leading words of adverbial clauses of time not only express time, but also attach conditionality, so conditional relations should be translated.


  4、 Translation of adverbials of cause


  1. English adverbial position is more flexible, can be placed in front of the main sentence can also be placed after the main sentence, and Chinese expression often follow the "cause and effect" order, so in translation also pay attention to adjust the word order.


  2. But the above situation is not absolute, the adverbial of reason can also be placed after the main sentence, which also corresponds to the Chinese structure "why... Is because".


  5、 The translation of adverbials of purpose


  1. Generally speaking, the target adverbial should be translated before the main sentence, and the main sentence explaining the situation should be translated after it.


  2. The purpose adverbial can also be translated after the main sentence, which means to avoid, to prevent, to make, to be afraid and so on.


  6、 Active sentences translated into Chinese


  1. In general, the subject of passive sentences is inanimate, so it is often necessary to translate the original subject into the subject in Chinese.


  2. Subject object inversion


  In general English, when the action subject is preceded by by by or composed of prepositional phrases, the action subject after by or the position in the prepositional phrase in the translation will act as the subject, and the object is the subject in the original text.


  3. Add subject


  When translating some passive sentences into active sentences, we should add some subjects, such as us, people, everyone and so on.


  7、 Non subject sentences in Chinese Translation


  There are many non subject sentences in Chinese, which are also related to our way of thinking and speaking habits. In many cases, when we chat with people in the same background, we don't need to say the subject, but the other person can understand you in most cases.


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